Monday, September 29, 2008

**Study Tips**

I need some help......I am preparing to take the Insurance Exam for the 4th time (its not an easy test) and need some ideas on good ways to study and help me remeber everything for the test. I have had people tell me to do flash cards but if you have ever read your Insurance Policy you would know there is WAY too much information to know and not enough flash cards :) So if anyone has any good ideas I am willing to try just about anything!!!!!!!!


Tiffini said...

Get Kesha to quiz you 50 million times everything. That's what she did for me when I took my practical. It worked!

Kesha and Kenny said...

Oh man. I remember those nights! But really, I didn't mind helping. I ended up learning a lot as well. Come on over when you want some quizzin ;)