Thursday, October 27, 2011

Save A Sister 5k

Last weekend Kesha and I had the privledge of running in the Save A Sister 5k. It was a blast and I am very proud of Kesha! We though for sure that our time would be 40+ minutes but as we rounded that corner to the finish line I glanced at the clock and it said 37 minutes. I turned to Kesha and said "Now's the time to break your time!" and we took off running our hearts out! We ended up finishing in 36 minutes!!

The best part of the whole race was seeing all the pink!!!

Katie, Kesha, Grete and I at the start line waiting to send off our balloons.

Kesha and I wearing our stickers that say: "I wear Pink for....Julie Schmutz"

Katie and I.

Another group shot before the start of the race.

Can't wait for next year! This is probably my favorite race....mostly for the cause.


1 comment:

Jocee said...

Thanks for running for my mom! That means a lot to me!