Tuesday, February 17, 2009

**Valentines Day**

I have to tell you I had the best Valentines Day ever!! Scott called me on Friday and asked if he could go to Dumont with some guys from work I told I didnt care cause I wanted a free weekend to do nothing. Well Saturday Morning I went to lunch with Kesha and Kenny to Judd's

(Melenie if you read this I thought of you the whole time)

After I left I was going to go to the mall and buy me some pants and to look around well....as I was pulling away from Judd's Scott calls me and tells me to go home and pack a bag cause he is taking me to Vegas. Mind you this is the first time in the 2 years we have been dating that we have done anything so I was completely shocked! So I go home pack a bag and we head to Vegas. We stayed at the Red Rock Casino

If any of you go to Vegas you have got to stay at this hotel! We got there about 4 or 5 and didnt have to leave, they have resturants, night clubs, blowing alley, movie theather and arcades. We decided we wanted to do something fun and have seen the club 'Cherry' on 21 and on The Real Housewives or Orange County

It was a blast! I recommend it to anyone who is into the whole club scene.

All in all we had a really good time.


Melenie said...

LOL! I want to go to Judds!

Jeff and I stayed at the Red Rock on our 2nd anniversary, he had a job opportunity there and they gave us a free room! Their rooms are awesome. What a fun Valentine's day!

Gull Family said...

"You've been tagged! See my blog for details."

Tiffini said...

I want to stay in a room that nice!

Unknown said...


Wow, you have a blog, I didn't know, I am going to add you to my list on my blog. How fun, Vegas rocks! What a nice room.

I sent off your shirts yesterday, I through in an extra one, thanks for the support. Sorry if they aren't all neatly wrapped, things were crazy yesterday and I wanted to make sure I got them out to you. I knew you would understand since your family and all. Hopefully you like the extra shirt I picked out for you.

Let me know if you want to exchange anything.

Luvs Cous!


Josh and Kensey said...

that would be so fun to just get away for a while!!