Friday, February 18, 2011

30 Day Challenge

I have seen on alot of people's blogs (because I of course blog stalk ALOT!) the 30 day challenge and thought it would be fun to do. Plus I really want to start blogging more and figure if I HAVE to blog everyday for 30 days than it will soon become a habit and I will WANT to blog all the's to at least hoping.

Day 1 – A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

(No I didnt take this picture for my MySpace (if I had one) or Facebook, I had just got my hair done and sent a picture to Casey.)

I have been at work since 8:30 am...with the help of day has, so far, been very good. It is definately going by very fast....3day weekend here I come!!

P.S. Since I work all week on the computer and when the weekend comes I want NOTHING to do with a computer, I am not counting the weekends (and holidays) in on the 30 days.

1 comment:

Kesha and Kenny said...

I don't even think you have told the blogging world about Casey. And I'm glad you've decided to join blogging rather than just stalk everyone else's blog!